July 9, 2019

Dear Diary #2.1

I think another key thing about progress or forward movement is that the most important pet is to go a little further each time you move. I think one of the things that’s hard not to do is to analyze the nature of movement. Like things aren’t moving at a desired speed. That is not fast enough. Or maybe there’s no feedback from the effort - a cause and no effect. You do something and there’s no apparent response. It’s easy to give up in despair or fear that whatever it is you did didn’t work. And then you feel all crappy or get down or depressed. It’s dif to work in isolation. Or maybe your expectations are out of line from the actual situation. When that happens it creates a breeding ground for anxiety and self-defeating thought patterns.

I think there should be only one question at the end of the day that needs to be answered: did I go any further than where I started. The answer is binary. No need for meta analysis and reflection. Well maybe something along the line of “can I go a little further tomorrow than I did today?”  That’s a personal challenge and goal. But even then if you have two questions at the end of the day — am
I further along than when I started? And did I take a bigger step today than I did yesterday . If the answer to both is yes then great. If not then the default should switch to just answering the first one. Eventually the momentum will build and larger steps will be taken and turns will appear and before you know it you’ll be getting somewhere.

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